Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sorry for the silence

The blog's been a bit quiet lately, and I apologize for that. I've been really working on my follow through on projects like this. (I think this is the fourth blog I've started?) Unfortunately, I've been rather ill.

Wednesday I started to have a bit of a cough. It wasn't much, I just thought it was allergies, even though I'd never had allergies before. Well, I was wrong. Thursday I didn't make it to campus until after noon, missing two classes due to a fever and exhaustion. (SO not like me!) I got a bit of homework done, went to work and then went to my class/other work. I was coughing a lot more and was sore from going to the gym on Wednesday (or so I thought) but overall, not entirely miserable.

Thursday night was miserable.

Friday I made myself get up to encourage the Fiance to get up and go to his new job. I got to campus and was feverish and even more miserable than Thursday, if that's even possible. I made my way to the Planetarium and told the professor that I was sick, but still wanted to turn in my homework and try to go to class. She sent me home. So, I went over to work to tell them that I wouldn't be in. (ha!) A few words in and both my co-account executives were laughing at me. I sounded like I had inhaled a balloon. I sent a few emails and caught the bus home.

Then, I went to bed. The Fiance called me and said sweet things to make me feel better and then told me that the new job wasn't going to work out and that he was going back to his old job. Whatever. So, he came home and took care of me. Bad idea. I did send him out to get Cepacol cough drops and Kleenex with Vicks in it. He went to three different stores and didn't find the Kleenex with Vicks. My heart is crushed--I LOVED those. :(

This morning (afternoon) I got out of bed around 1 and felt like I had eaten sandpaper. My throat was as painful as it had ever been. Still feverish. So I jumped on the computer to find a walk in clinic. After I found one that took my insurance I went to wake the Fiance so he could drive me only to find that (surprise, surprise) he had a fever! And a sore throat!

Poor guy's allergic to so many medicines and gets new allergies pretty easily that it's difficult to give him painkillers like ibuprofen. I gave him a sodium naproxen and drove myself to the clinic.

"It's viral, so there isn't much we can do."

I just love that sentence. The doctor offered me an antibiotic, but I declined. An antibiotic won't do anything for a viral infection. So I asked about something to make my throat better. That, she could help me with. Yay for cough syrup with codeine!

The Fiance's going to miss work on Monday and probably the whole week. That's lovely. I'm hoping to be better enough to go to my one class on Monday so I don't fall even farther behind.

On the bright side, I have an interview for an internship! And it's a week from Monday, so I should be 100% by then! Best thing to happen all week.

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