Monday, March 26, 2012

The Beginning of the End

Tomorrow is the first day of my last quarter at Western. It's the most exciting thing ever and the scariest thing ever.

I'm so excited to be done with school. It's been 18 long years of school. Classes, homework, a neverending cycle of tests and homework. I like learning, but I'm really looking forward to being able to go to work and come home to my own time. I'm sure I'll be the kind of person that will bring work home with me sometimes, but I'd like to have most nights be mine. I'm looking forward to my time not being monopolized constantly by homework and studying for tests that might not be any help after I graduate.

I'm also terrified to graduate. I don't have an internship or a job lined up yet, and that scares me. I like to have things planned out way in advance, so this is a bit terrifying not having things nailed down. I have to find something in either Bellingham or Seattle this summer. By mid-August I have to have something figured out in Seattle. I'd have liked to be able to move anywhere, but the fiance is starting baking school this fall at South Seattle Community College. It's a two year program. He'll be done in June of 2014, about a month before our wedding!

This moment is more terrifying than graduating high school. At least when I graduated high school I knew I was going to college. I knew which one, six months before I graduated. I had things figured out. I had a plan and I was going to something at least somewhat familiar. This is completely new.

If you know of a PR opportunity in the Seattle area let me know. If not, wish me luck.

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