Friday, March 30, 2012

Day Two, Day Three

Wednesday and Thursday were busy, but not much of note occurred. All my classes had syllabus days and my psychology class has started to roll along.

On Wednesday night, it was Planet's query letter night. It went really quickly for the size of the class. I've got a great story group, and I can't wait to see how their stories take shape.

Last night I made enchiladas, which are what I make when I'm stressed out. I'm stressed out because my family just received some pretty shocking news. It's pretty private, so I'm not going to share here other than to say that someone in my family is pretty sick, suddenly, and that it has repercussions for the rest of the family.

It came out of nowhere and I'm alone, isolated from my family so I don't have as much of a support system as I would have if I was living at home. So, I'm a little more stressed than usual.

BUT this weekend I'm going to relieve some stress. Today the fiance and I are driving to Seattle to have his test scores evaluated by the baking program he wants to get into. Then, we're going to Salon Armand to get hair cuts. I'm also getting my hair dyed. Yay!

Then, tomorrow we're going to Emerald City ComiCon. I just adore ECCC. This will be my third year attending.
Stay tuned for my rundown of just how awesome ECCC was!

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